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Susan (Miller)Harrison

It's been a few  years since I have seen this face.....I remember a cute boy with a cheerful soul and a permanent smile. I'm pretty sure I remember a rattail in the back of that cole black hair....It's been a while......... :)
  I remember a lil boy rolling his eyes in fun at his sister Tracy and her obnoxious lil friend, Suzi---
Keep his spirit alive....therefore he is only physically away.  Thinking of those I remember....A giggly Rose and Gabe....and My friend Tracy....sending loving wishes your way.  Fun memories I have of this home I frequented in junior high.... 0:)     


Al & Maggie Barnes
Even though we only met one time, it seemed llike we new Jamie forever. He was such a fun loving person--with only nice things to say. We will miss him. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with Paula and her children, and we will always be there for her. Jamie will always be in our hearts!
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